MonadCloud designs, builds and supports object-based storage clusters for public and private organizations that reduce cost and improve the durability of data storage.
High speed Internet connectivity, e-commerce and machine-generated data have brought virtually unlimited quantities of data to our organizations. As our appetite for data explodes, so does our need to store it. Compliance issues, governance requirements and just the natural desire to hang on to information puts ever-increasing demands on storage hardware, IT staff and budgets. It's not surprising that data storage is one of the fastest growing cloud computing services. Cloud storage is the antidote to legacy storage sprawl. It frees up people and resources to support your core business functions.
MonadCloud... the experts in Cloud Storage Solutions ... keep data safe, local and available 24/7/365.

With MonadCloud...a regional cloud storage designer and builder in New England... data is kept close and those who need it can get at it fast -- from wherever they may be. When data is stored in a MonadCloud cluster it is safe and available.
It takes an ecosystem to build a storage cloud...The MonadCloud Ecosystem ...
Powered by Cloudian, MonadCloud storage clusters are compliant with the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3), which is the de facto standard for cloud storage. The large ecosystem of partners supporting AWS S3 gives you a wide variety of data management applications and solutions.
Send a message or call Tim Wessels, 603.899.5530